AI  Training for Executives, Managers, and High-performers

Since 2006, Intupower has provided world-class training and development solutions for business and government leaders. Today, we are proud to offer the leading Artificial Intelligence training that combines technical know-how with real-world problem-solving designed specifically for global leaders and high-performing professionals.

Our PartnerAI curriculum is the first in the world to use the Scientific Method to explain AI and LLMs. Get exponentially more done in a fraction of the time.

The AI digital revolution is here.

What We Do

Intupower provides training courses that remove confusion and replace it with clarity in subject matters that are the most important to high achievers.

What We Teach

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Large Language Models, Communications, Emotional Intelligence, and practical applications of modern technology in your daily life.

Who Is It For?

Executives, Managers, Business and Government Leaders, High-Performers, Overachievers, Subject Matter Experts, and those seeking to dominate in their sector.

Who is Mo Hasan?

Mo is the Founder and CEO of Intupower. He is the creator of the PartnerAI courses and serves as the Principal Trainer. Over the last 25 years, he has taught more than 30,000 students across five continents on 300+ topics in business, technology, communications, emotional intelligence, economics, procurement, retirement planning, and leadership.

A true modern-day Renaissance man, Mo is a multi-disciplined creator with accomplishments as an award-winning author, globally renowned speaker, technologist, fashion designer, boat captain, sailor, ballroom dancer, chef, music producer, futurist, philanthropist, and mentor.

He is a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT Alumni) and possesses over 30 technical certifications in various business disciplines. Mo has successfully trained and developed dozens of new professional corporate trainers. Mo loves teaching and he loves learning.

Sharing knowledge and helping people achieve cognitions is and will be the core of his professional life forever.

"I will miss his aid, and am confident that he will well serve any organization seeking to convey to personnel confidence in their ability to use technology to best advantage."

-Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court

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What does he teach?

Over his extensive career, Mo has trained on over 300 business topics spanning soft skills, technical abilities, leadership competencies, communications, emotional intelligence, personal finance, retirement planning, economic development, procurement, and problem-solving.

Now, as AI and LLMs reshape industries, Mo helps business leaders and high-performers understand these emerging technologies so they can ethically harness them to enhance personal and organizational success. His guidance enables executives to lead with confidence in navigating AI/LLM adoption on societal, business, and individual levels.

With over 7,500 hours of individual coaching and training delivered, Mo empowers leaders to think critically on complex topics, communicate visions powerfully, build trusted relationships through emotional intelligence, and solve multifaceted business problems with creativity.

Explore PartnerAI Courses

Why does he teach?

Mo teaches because it is a complete expression of his professional abilities. It gives him the opportunity to bring together all knowledge acquired through studying and his students, the dynamics of high-performers seeking to improve their conditions, and a strong desire for exponential growth.

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Teaching creates an opportunity to create a ripple effect of global impact as leaders take their newly found understandings back to their organization and implement progress for a better future.

His love and passion shows in every class and lesson taught.

Why does he teach this?

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Of all the topics in the world, why focus on AI, emotional intelligence, communications, and personal economics?

Because these are the topics that people have the most misunderstandings on. These topics also serve as the greatest barriers to most people’s success. They have the biggest impact for executives and professionals around the world.

How does he teach?

Mo teaches the way he wants to learn. Which is to be in a fun and dynamic environment. Over the years, we have learned that students learn across the variety of methods and modalities. Historically there was a misunderstanding, that we only learned through, auditory, visual, or experiential lessons.

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Today we have a far greater understanding with pedagogy, leading us to understand that there are more than a dozen different ways that we learn including puzzles, games, discovery method, self-paced and instructor-led learning, needs based learning, problem-solving, storytelling, humor, examples, hands-on exercises, group learning, and others that you have likely used in the past.

Perhaps even more interesting is that we all learn everything differently. This means that while you may have a preference for one modality or another for very specific topics, it’s very likely that you use several types of learning modalities to enrich the tapestry of your knowledge and understanding.

Because of this, Mo teaches in a way that integrates and implements every possible modality available to him.

What are the course offerings?

PartnerAI - AI Training for Executives and High-Performers. Available in the following:

  • Quick Start Edition - Designed to help you augment your career with AI as a daily tool (coming soon)
  • Professional Edition - Take your career to the next level by mastering prompt engineering for LLMs

Escaping the Matrix - Emotional Intelligence, Personal Economics, and Organizing Principles for High-Performers (Next Workshop Fall 2024)

Custom Learning Solutions - We mix soft skills, technical skills, and world-class best practices for a superior learning experience. Enterprise ready and tailored to your needs.

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How is this different from other teachings?

All Intupower courses are designed with a concentric design not found in most enterprise trainings. We designed the most effective courses for high-performers and leaders with an inclination towards integrity, ethics, morality, and spirituality; and seeking to improve life conditions for themselves, others, and the world.

The 7 Policies

At the core of all teachings is a set of principles for self-governance created by our Founder, Mo Hasan. These policies for self-governance create the framework for responsible and sustainable leadership.

Read The 7 Policies